photos @skylarwatkins


 If you have the guts to listen to Knowing Me by Beth Sass be prepared to confront some introspection. Her music isn’t for the shallow or fearful. She’s both musically and lyrically deep and expects the same from her listener. Her melodies and images will haunt you after you’ve turned the music off. If you are open, she’ll bring you to tears, she’ll make you examine your life and give you reason to celebrate your survival… –Robyn Flans Interviews, Los Angeles.

Beth Sass is an American original, taking the bricolage of the every day and crafting it into something so deep and penetrating that it becomes almost sacred. Her voice, which has always been an amazing instrument, now has the texture of time and the timbre of wisdom — while lulling you into thinking you’re listening to a pop song. Her lyrics are stark and unusual (“tomorrow ripped me from your mouth”; “I should find a place where someone understands/that I am who I am/but I don’t want to work that hard”(!)) — the pure drop of economy. And have three chords and the truth ever been so brilliantly demonstrated than on the chorus “Knowing Me”? This is music that defies labels, crosses in and out of styles effortlessly, is beholden to no other artist. But somehow you know you’ve heard it before — in the deep recesses of your heart that you, yourself, could never turn into song. Fortunately, Beth Sass has…   John Hamilton,  Pastor, First Congregational Church; musician, writer, jongleur

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